This grout material has thixotropy and plugs the gap between gravels or rocks in the water. This material is an underwater inseparable suspension grout which resists dilution, even in the presence of flowing water.
- Uses grout with high underwater inseparability and plasticity that resists washing away, even if the ground has large gaps among gravel and features groundwater flows.
- Fluidity allows grouting through narrow spaces and gaps.
- There are two grouting types: a type that uses a single tube or hose and a type that uses a double tube rod, as with conventional chemical grouting.
- The grout is a cement-based material not containing water glass and thus it is easy to handle and durable.
- The strength is adjustable by changing the mixing ratio (500 to 10,000 kN/m2).
Result of an experiment in flowing water
Experiment method
- As soon as the grout was injected, a water flow was created from the left side to determine if the grout would be washed away.
- The water was stained red to allow visualization.
Experiment result
- The red water moved from left to right, showing that a water flow was created.
The grout resisted dilution and remained in place.
Item |
Example of test result |
Coefficient of permeability
Compressive strength (28 days) |
Approx. 1×100 to 102 cm/sec
500 to 10,000kN/m2 |
- GEOFORCE grout liquid is mixed with cement and other materials.