
Soil remediation

Issues related to environmental contamination continue to grow more serious. Soil and groundwater pollution is an inevitable problem in redevelopment projects that involve plant relocations and land transactions.

Our capabilities make us a leading one-stop general contractor for soil remediation. We perform surveys, negotiate with government agencies, implement containment measures, including barrier construction, and mount cleanup efforts, including removing and decomposing all harmful substances.

We are working to restore lost habitats by drawing on our technologies for slope greening and improving riparian habitats. Beyond this, civil engineering works often involve the clearing of wooded areas or the alternation of riverbeds, resulting in the loss of natural habitats. This is not only a problem of environmental degradation. It has serious implications for ecological diversity and the sustainability of the society that depends on this diversity. We are working to restore lost habitats by drawing on our technologies for slope greening and improving riparian habitats.

Regenerating contaminated land

Soil remediation in Aichi Prefecture

The land was contaminated with organic compounds. According to the type of contamination, we used replacement and decomposition of the Jetrinse method to clean the soil.
Following the cleanup, the land has been used for commercial facilities and residential houses.

Main features of Jetrince method

  • Selection of suitable solution from “replacement”, “cleaning” and “decomposing” for the contamination and the surrounding environment
  • Treatable of a low to high concentrated pollutions of any substances such as VOCs, oil, and heavy metals
  • Treatable of very low permeable layers which has been considered difficult to impossible
  • Enable to incorporate bio-agent to the water-jet
  • Enable to use/add hot water and various chemicals to the water jet for water jet cleaning

Related technologies


Theory of hydrogen diffusion and water jet technology has brought about“Biojet TM”.
Advanced, effective, in-situ remediation technology enables the cleaning of contaminated soil in low permeability (clays and silts) which has been regarded as difficult to clean.

Related technologies

Examples presented

Soil remediation in Aichi Prefecture

Area Aichi
Objective Environmental Conservation
Techniques Soil Remediation
Period 12/2010~07/2011
Comment (12/2004~7/2005)